07 November 2022
The 2022 annual meeting for ICOS National Network Norway was held at Oslo Science Park in Oslo from 7 to 8 November, with CICERO as local organizer.
- Welcome and information from the coordination team, Siv Kari Lauvset, NORCE
- Trends in greenhouse gas concentrations in Norway and Svalbard/ status of the atmosphere domain, Stephen Platt, NILU
- Introduction to the EU project MISO, Tuan-Vu Cao, NILU
- Short update and plans for the Hurdal Atmosphere station, Chris Lunder, NILU
- Surface water pCO2 measurements during the MOSAiC expedition, Nicolas Roden, NILU
- Atlantic Ocean air-sea CO2 fluxes 1981-2021, RECCAP-2 Synthesis, Meike Becker, UiB
- Deep convection strengthens the Greenland Sea sink for anthropogenic carbon, Are Olsen, UiB
- Status of NO-Hur and planned activities, Holger Lange, NIBIO
- Estimating Carbon Sink Strength of Norway Spruce Forests Using Machine Learning, Junbin Zhao, NIBIO
- Grafana as data control and visualization tool, Helge Meissner, NIBIO
- Status of the Integration Activity, Christine Groot Zwaaftink, NILU
- Terrestrial CH4 and CO2 fluxes from the Community Land Model (CLM), Iris Mužić, CICERO
- Quantifying leaks from the Northstream pipelines one, Rona Thompson and Ignacio Pisso, NILU
- The ICOS OTC: current status and future prospects, Richard Sanders, NORCE
- Fossil fuel Emission, Robbie Andrew, CICERO
- Strategies for long-term funding, moderator: Siv Kari Lauvset, NORCE
- Phase 2 status update; challenges and opportunities, moderator: Siv Kari Lauvset, NORCE