
The 2018 spring seminar of Integrated Carbon Observatory System (ICOS) Norway will be held on June 13 at NIBIO - Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, at Campus Ås.


Hvordan vet vi hvor mye klimagasser som faktisk slippes ut?

Hvordan er vi sikre på at klimatiltak fører til utslippskutt?

Svaret er kunnskap gjennom observasjoner. Dette er…

474 meters above sea level, outside Ny-Ålesund in Svalbard, the Arctic Observatory Zeppelin is situated. Here, at 79° north, scientists from Norway and the rest of the world capture the clearest…

While climate negotiators from almost 200 countries met in Bonn to hammer out a "rule book" for putting the Paris Agreement into practice, more than 30 scientists gathered in Oslo to discuss how…

Summary of status for each of the four ships have been reported by the respective PIs and technical issues and scientific plans have discussed. The instrumentation on R.V. GO.SARS (PI, Ingunn…